Southampton Spa Opening Service

Expert Southampton Spa Opening Service

D&R Pool Services care and expertise makes our Southampton spa opening service a breeze, and our customers are pleased every time. There’s nothing like the relaxation and therapeutic benefits of a hot tub, spa, or Jacuzzi.Β  Open that spa with peace of mind, and start enjoying a steaming hot water oasis.

Things to know

Multiple Visits

A spa opening may take multiple visits to your property, especially if it is a Gunite spa and not in great condition. Depending if it is used regularly and closed properly, we can most likely get it running before your specified spa opening date.

Schedule Ahead

It is recommended to open your spa 2 or more weeks prior to your ready-to-swim date, in case any unforeseen issues occur. So, if that party is coming up soon – we have time to make sure it is working mechanically sound, and get it 100% clear and balanced for you and your guests.

Surface Quality

In certain cases, with Gunite spas, an acid wash may be recommended before filling – to remove stain buildup from over the winter that cannot be removed with chlorine. An acid wash may make your gunite spa look like new again depending on it’s age!

Water & Electric

We will need outdoor water spigots turned on in order to open your spa. We also need ready access to an outdoor power outlet, and power to your spa equipment must be turned on.

Locked Access

For storage and ease of access – if you will not be home, please provide us with any access keys, codes, or instructions for your specified storage areas. We will need this to put your cover away, and retrieve any accessories. We will always leave your property in the condition we found it, and secure any entryways.


If you have never opened or closed your spa, it is not a good idea to attempt it yourself. Parts can break and cause extensive damage, not to mention the danger of electricity also. Please leave it to the professionals at D&R for a proper spa opening service.

The Spa Opening Service Process

How do we open your spa?
Cover Removal
We remove the spa cover, neatly fold it, put it in a mesh bag, and then leave it out to dry. Once the cover dries, we will store it where you specify.
Equipment Connection
Hook up and inspect pumps, pipes, heater, and any accessory equipment used to run your spa. We test your equipment to make sure it is mechanically sound. If a repair is necessary, we will contact you and create a work order.

Gunite Spas – If your heater tray was removed, there will be an additional charge to install it. All ice expanders and winter plugs get removed, and stored with your cover.

Fill & Inspect
Fill spa using hose, or existing nearby pool water. Prime suction on all pumps to get the water circulating. We check for any visible leaks within plumbing and inspect the spa’s operation and cosmetic appearance.
Balance Chemicals
An initial dose of 7 parameters of chemicals are tested and added to APSP and ANSI standards.
Deep Cleaning
Remove all muck build up, vacuum, and brush to sanitary perfection. Recommend any fixes or improvements to loose devices or things that need attention.

Customer Support

Excellent customer service and support. We make it convenient for you. If it is after hours we encourage you to try texting us for emergencies.

Family Owned Business

A passionate family owned business that cares about your pool or spa like it is our own. We build trust and provide consistent quality service, as our business depends on it.

Guaranteed Work

All of our work is backed by a guarantee to your satisfaction, provided it is within agreement. We pride on exquisite attention to each and every one of our clients.

Authorized Dealer

We provide comprehensive and seamless repairs and installations for all products we sell. We are also an authorized warranty center.

Licensed & Insured CPO

Having a Licensed and Insured Certified Pool Operator gives you certainty you can trust. We are also an authorized warranty center for most equipment and manufacturers.

Our staff is properly trained in accordance with APSP and ANSI standards. D&R Pool Services attends yearly educational seminars to stay up to date with the latest technologies and advancements in swimming pools and spas.

Family Owned and Operated

Many of our clients have been with us for over 30 years. We build trust and provide consistent quality service, as our business depends on it.

Our commitment to a great customer experience starts with D&R Pool Services. The men behind it all; Dave and Randy’s continued success comes from building trust, hands-on commitment, and service with an aim to please. Many of our customers continue to recommend us year after year.